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Textual analysis - Britney Spears

          The lyrics help tell the story and establish the genre and mood
·         The lyrics for this song suggest that she is attracted to the fact that he is dangerous and toxic but she is                 addicted. The video juxtaposed to the video as she is in power in the video but the lyrics give the impression         he is in control.
·         The actual Message of the video is that she is in control.
          The editing is in time with the music, so the beats reflect the action in the video.
·         Then the actual music itself is a high tempo dance track and is racy.
·         the music itself is also not natural and often uses a robotic sound, i.e. auto tuning which helps to create a              superficial effect.
Genre/Mise en scene:
         The genre of the music video is teen bop.
         There are many outfit changes throughout the video. the outfits are quite flimsy and small as she is trying to         establish that she wants to appear sexy
·       The music video is mainstream pop, and dance,so aimed at young girls, as at the time she was only a young girl   and her listeners grew up with her. so the video is showing her transition from young teenager to young woman.
·       The use of costumes helps to establish narrative changes

          The focus of the video is the main artiste, so Britney Spears.
·         There is the use of close ups to reveal her singing and to show her facial expressions.
·         Then they are also used to show her revealing outfit. As the outfits sexualise her and attract  the male                   gaze.

·         The music and editing are in time.
·         The editing reflects the pace of the beats.

          The video reflects Holly Valance Kiss Kiss because of the nudity clips. then there are the scenes that involve 
·         a motorbike and Britney Spears as superhero, this reflects on the superhero/ action films such as Batman or        Superman.

       The idea is that she used the dancing music video element so that she can display her dancing skills, as well the use of lip-syncing. This shows that she is the performer of this video. The video shows off her many skills, including dancing and singing.

Star image/the brand:

The video is being used to show that she is no longer a child star but a grown woman. she has been sexualised from the use of outfits and the fact that she has men lounging around with her. 


she has been sexualised through her use of outfits and the actions that are seen throughout the video.


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