Our Logo Production

Once creating the Production Logo we looked at it and wanted to receive some feedback on it so we decided to ask a few people in our class what they thought of it. We asked three simple questions so that we could get some feedback.
Classmate 1
Positive - The colours used are simple with the white text contrasting against it, easy to read.
Negative - It is only a background of colour and text over the top it isn't a image logo which are more interesting.
Classmate 2
Positive - This in my eyes would be very memorable and would be pretty easy to remember in the future.
Negative - There isn't any image shown within it to make it even more memorable.
We asked a handful of people however these two comments made were the most beneficial and they both were very similar because they both agreed on the same negative comment about the logo. When/if creating another logo we would definitely do it the same but maybe within an image or an icon being included.
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